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Evaluation Task 4 - How Did You Use New Media Technologies in the Construction, Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages

Canon EOS 1300D DSLR Camera
A vital new media technology used within the construction of our production was the Canon EOS 1300D DSLR camera. We acquired the camera from the school's arts department, which had significantly better quality cameras due to the photography courses the department runs. We booked out the equipment on multiple occasions, this allowed us to film across various dates and refill any scenes with any errors or mishaps. By having virtually unrestricted access to a HD camera, this enabled us to construct a professional final product. This was because we could record all our desired camera shots, angles and movements alongside the tripod. The use of the camera was vital in portraying verisimilitude towards the audience through the use of a handheld shot. By using the Canon camera accompanied by the strap (pictured on the right) we could easily film the handheld shot. The use of the camera enabled a clear image to be recorded despite the quick movement during the scene and the relative unsteady hand of the cameraman. The camera was used throughout the creation of my blog, capturing the images for magazine covers and posters alongside filming presentations and the 'Love Me' trailer.

Adobe Photoshop

When first encountering photoshop, I frequently stumbled across problems when using the software. Due to having no previous experience with Adobe Photoshop, I was unfamiliar with the software and struggled to create products to a high standard as I could not clearly portray my ideas onto my projects such as poster and magazine covers. After enjoying the short time I had spent on the software, Photoshop became a procrastinating hobby. I eventually purchased and downloaded Photoshop. This enabled me to have much greater time and access to the software, increasing my ability and skill sets within the programme. Photoshop introduced me into various effects and filters to enhance my final product, including the magic wand and red-eye tool. To further enhance my projects I imported various brushes and fonts, primarily from Brusheezy and 1001Fonts. This provided me with the splash of yellow paint within the magazine on the right and all the texts within the magazine. By creating posters and magazine covers for both my AS and A2 production it is conspicuous that the use of new media technology improved my ability and skill sets with software. My AS poster(pictured left) for my production 'Stella Fellas' is very basic, featuring only stock text and a basic plain red background due to my limited knowledge of Photoshop. On the right side is my A2 magazine cover called 'Final Cut'. In terms of the final product, my A2 magazine features far more advanced photoshop work, utilising various filters, texts, brushes and tools, generating a much greater product in its output.
Being an avid YouTube user, I was personally very familiar with the website. My knowledge of the site was reinforced by the uploading of our AS production 'Stella Fellas' to the site. This introduced me towards the upload side of YouTube, as I was only familiar with the viewing section as a regular consumer. YouTube was used within the research and planning of our project as we could watch and analyse a range of trailers, providing a vital platform for researching our selected genre, thriller and generating sufficient knowledge to plan our trailer. YouTube was also used to upload our trailers, including the drafts. This enabled us to clearly demonstrate the progress along all trailers, which led to our final trailer for 'Love Me'. Lastly, YouTube is easily accessible and provides the ideal platform to present the trailer, as it can easily be linked for straightforward access for teachers and examiners.


Blogger was used to upload all areas of my project, from the research to the planning to the construction and the consequent evaluation. The easy access to Blogger across all technology platforms enabled me to post blogs wherever I was permitting internet connection. The ability to post from my iPhone, laptop and even iPad allowed me to consistently post steadily, generating a better all rounded project. Also, the

Social Media

We primarily used Facebook and Facebook Messenger to communicate to the audience and within Nightfall Studios. Facebook provided the ideal platform to promote awareness of our film and keep the audience updated on the film’s progress. Furthermore, due to the comments section we could receive vital feedback and reviews in association to the trailer. We used the Facebook Messenger app to create a Nightfall Studios group chat, with all the cast and crew members involved. This chat was used arrange filming dates and talk over any issues with the project.

Microsoft Powerpoint

Powerpoint was used within the planning section of ‘Love Me’. We used the platform to create a slideshow presenting our initial ideas and plot for our A2 production. Powerpoint is reasonably easy to use and access due to my previous experience with the software. I also briefly used Powerpoint to crop any print screens and post them on my blog.


Our A2 production ‘Love Me’ was edited using Apple’s iMovie application on a MacBook. We opted to use iMovie over Adobe’s Premiere Pro for two chief reasons. Firstly, the accessibility to iMovie was greater as Aaron had iMovie installed upon his personal computer, meaning we could use the software outside school hours. Secondly, we used iMovie to edit out AS production ‘Stella Fellas’. Therefore, we collectively had greater experience and knowledge of iMovie rather than Premiere Pro. Personally, I feel the layout is much clearer on iMovie and prefer to use the editing tools on an Apple product. We used a range of editing tools and filters, including the sepia visual effect and cutting tool to crop and arrange the clips in order. The timeline within iMovie help us to easily arrange the clips into the correct order to create a crisp final product when coupled alongside various transitions, this included cross-cutting and fades to black.


  1. Callum, you need to include other technologies like editing software , social media, audio equipment etc.


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