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Trailer Analysis 1 - The Girl on the Train - Trailer Link

The Girl on the Train Trailer Analysis

Background musicGentle orchestrated music, typically a piano, is conventional to present a dark connotation of the production. This represents confusion, and portrays this to the audience, generating questions surrounding the film over the mystery of the female’s disappearance.

Gaps of silence – Add dramatic effect, generating suspense within the narrative, leaving the audience creating assumptions and wanting to investigate the film to discover the answers the all their questions. This generates great mystery and curiosity around the film from the audience, as the trailer only highlights limited sections of events, not the whole narrative.

Cuts to text – Cuts from the action to notify the audience that the current scene is in the past, signifying that this event is of huge prominence within the film, and greatly influences the narrative. This directly addresses the audiences, to remove any doubt and clarify the narrative of the film.

Slow motion/small jump cuts – This is used when the protagonist of the production is introduced. This emphasises her role within the narrative, as the music is slowed and adopts a darker tone.

Changes of pacing – The trailer changes pacing throughout its durations to add dramatic effect, changing from slow pacing within the introduction, gradually increasing pace towards its conclusion.

Random cuts – The trailer cuts to random, unexplained scenes within the narrative which provoke the audience to further questions the events within the films, leaving uncertainties over various scenes and their chronology.

